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IKA Microstar Overhead Stirrers
IKA Microstar Overhead Stirrers Accessories
Showing products with: 500-1000
IKA Microstar Overhead Stirrers Accessories
IKA Microstar Overhead Stirrers Product Page
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R 2723 Telescopic stand
Pneumatic spring stand rod, enables heavy instruments/ attachments to be raised and lowered smoothly
$749 USD
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R 2722 H-Stand
Provides optimum stability required for larger, heavier instruments and attachments
$687 USD
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R 1330 Anchor stirrer
Tangential flow, high shearing. Ideal for medium to highly viscous fluids. Stirrer dia 45 mm
$503 USD
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R 1303 Dissolver stirrer
Radial flow, draws from top and bottom. High turbulence and shearing. Stirrer dia 42 mm
$883 USD
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R 1300 Dissolver stirrer
Radial flow, draws from top and bottom. High turbulence and shearing. Stirrer dia 80 mm
$646 USD
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R 3004 Blade stirrer
For aerating of low viscosity media and homogenizing solids in liquids. Stirrer dia 30 mm
$564 USD
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R 1331 Anchor stirrer
Tangential flow, high shearing. Ideal for medium to highly viscous fluids. Stirrer dia 90 mm
$560 USD
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R 3003 Spiral stirrer
Axial flow, from bottom upwards. For medium to high viscosity media. Stirrer dia 50 mm
$652 USD
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R 1389 PTFE-Coated Propeller Stirrer
Flow-efficient, draws from top and bottom. Minimum shearing. Stirrer dia 75mm. PTFE-coated.
$751 USD
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R 301 Stirring shaft protection
Prevents potential injuries at the rotating shafts and stirring elements
$399 USD
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FK 1 Flexible coupling
Compensates for any structural variances stirring tasks using glass stirring rods
$592 USD
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R 1375 Paddle stirrer
Tangential flow, minimum turbulence, good heat exchange, gentle. Stirrer dia 70 mm
$507 USD
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R 1355 Centrifugal stirrer
Blades open with speed for round vessels with narrow necks. Stirrer dia 100 / 24 mm
$606 USD
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R 1312 Turbine stirrer
Draws material from above. Generates axial flow. Stirrer dia 50 mm. Minimum shearing
$641 USD
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R 1311 Turbine stirrer
Draws material from above. Generates axial flow. Stirrer dia 30 mm. Minimum shearing
$508 USD
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Title: A-Z
IKA Microstar Overhead Stirrers Accessories