About Us

Shopping for stirrers used to be hard. Sure, it's easy enough to find a decent overhead or magnetic stirrer, but for as ubiquitous as they are, it's never easy to find a place that has a wide selection and also has the right tools to help you find not just any stirrer, but the best stirrer for your application and budget.

We thought that was flat out ridiculous, and that's why Stirrers.net became a reality. Our large selection, expert support, and online decision aids help you find the instrument that best fits your needs. By offering a very wide range of instruments from many different suppliers, we ensure that you have a similarly wide range of options and you're not pushed towards buying a particular brand. We don't play favorites either - if we're promoting a product it's either because our customers love it, it's a great value, or based on what you've told us about your situation we feel it's the best one. Even if you're shopping on your own we do our best to provide a superior shopping experience that allows you to find the right stirrer simply and quickly so you can get back to your work.

Shopping for a Stirrer isn't your job. We're just here to ensure it doesn't become one.

Stirrers.net is a Laboratory Supply Network marketplace.


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